Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav is an Indian Naval Officer (Retired) but is presently under custody in Pakistan.
over a year prior to that date, India had been pleading since long that a
meeting between Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav and his mother and wife combine
be allowed. However, Pakistan was adamant that only his mother would be allowed
and the said meeting never came off.
Now how a 25th December 2017 event became a reality is no one’s guess but this Writer does see the hand of an “Angel of Peace & Reconciliation” at whose instance the meeting may have taken place. The Writer is thankful not only to Pakistan but to that angelic being as well.
India’s criminal cadres have a lesson to learn from it! This Writer is proud of Pakistan but more especially the –
Long live Pakistan –
Come alive ye teeming millions
Rise ye citizens, spur on
ye natives
Lead ye droves through
secured paths
Hand in hand ‘n eyes
on to zenith
Come alive Pakistan –
Move on ye teeming millions
Queue ye all up to
golden days
Rise ye all with grit
and cheer
Board ye all unto
jubilant ways
Move on ye Pakistan – Race on ye teeming millions
Up the track ‘n never
Golden grace and
grandeurs glee
Mighty Allah will set
the pace
Race ye on Pakistan – Speed on ye teeming millions
Unto heavens your
jubilations rise
And the trumpet blow
once for peace
We’ll be there to
welcome you
Speed ye on Pakistan – Long live ye teeming millions
Fix the schedule and
on to the module
Forge to front - be it
target of any length
Be it eerie spot or
marshy stretch
Together shall endeavor unto finishing line
By an India-Pakistan Duo or
an India-Pakistan Uno
In unison by an ‘of the
people, by the people and for the people’
India with Pakistan or an India-cum-Pakistan
Is the one cherished
dream of the Dravidians, hence
Let us dream-finish this
generation united ever
As one fold at one
pace till we dream finish the era!
Together - once,
always and forever till end of time
For when you’ve
completed the race to its finish, your smile will tell not the pains and tears
you shed, for your onward march is all unto millions to benefit not just one
two or three in Pakistan, and the same millions will join chorus as you chant
the rhythm of your national anthem which will echo on and on till the end of
time that the millions in Pakistan will live to have the land flourish to
exhibit its true national color of
Peace Fellowship and Oneness of Muslim Brotherhood!
Did we say oneness? – Nay chums, rather the wholesomeness of a “Universal Love and Brotherhood”
Minus the criminals?
Nay let’s carry them too!
Long live Pakistan – Come alive ye teeming millions
In the name of the Almighty, the all-pervading Allah and Creator
of the universe being the source of every good thing that has come into
existence or may come to exist hereafter, let us all as one whole of humanity
and mankind in general uphold his magnificence, his excellence and the totality
of His Supremacy as the Creator of the universe and all living things in toto,
or all human beings as also all spiritual beings so that the whole of mankind
might come to recognize His power and might on earth and all over the universe
in succession – to enable Islam attain that enduring zeal and courage to
enhance the might and radiance of the One and only Supreme Being, that to Him
be all glory for now and for all times to come.
Friends and brothers all, let not our
weaknesses, pain, anger, hatred or vengeance tend to minimise the might of the
Almighty and the all-pervading Allah in the sight of mankind or in the mind of
any of his creation, and further let not our weak constitution, freak nature,
fragile temperament and thickening arrogance ever be cause for diminishing or
undermining even a trifle of the excellence, magnificence, universality,
supremacy and the might of Allah not only in the eye of Islam but also in the
minds of humanity, to enable Islam attain the peak of recognition among the
hard-core criminals and sinful vagabonds and so enable the radiance of Muslim
fraternity to gain respect worldwide in the measure and magnificence as may be
willed by the mighty Allah.
With this humble exhortation - this writer – a Catholic – while wishing Pakistan all the very best in times to come – opens up his plea for the release of our honoured citizen Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav as a humanitarian gesture in return for all the good that India has ever done or even committed to do right from Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as one of the trio to formation of Pakistan right up to all and every attempt made by any of the citizens of this democratic nation for the welfare and well-being of Pakistan and its citizens.
Pakistan is a fairly modest, moderate and moderately well-orchestrated nation of calm and sedate people who have by their very nature a penchant to compete for a position as a recognized nation and admired people around the world.
Although this is one normal feature which any nation or people would naturally cherish within to have a fondness for, however, in the case of Pakistan – being a Muslim nation to be very precise – it has stood miles apart from what other similar, larger and advanced nations having vast Muslim population are accustomed to project themselves as or have normally professed themselves to be.
This Writer admires
this very trait so profusely exhibited by Pakistan. However, one is curious -
Curiosity has been man’s forte in life. It was curiosity which catapulted him to areas of invention, curiosity propelled him to miles of discoveries and again it was curiosity that launched him to heights of prominence.
Curiosity blazed him to dizziness of altitude and pioneered him onward to achieve an enduring blueprint to horizons of excellence. Curiosity drove man and a whole array of his generation onward into an unending advancement, physically, economically, financially, scientifically and even socially too.
It – namely curiosity - never failed man; rather it bolstered his imagination in to making a foray in to an endless universe which venture had him staring in to many a void of endlessness.
Curiosity even added an impetus to every stride he made in a craving to escape monotony in life. As a matter of fact, man’s curiosity had him open up to vistas of unending galaxies, flung him to depths of oceans and curiosity even had him slide down to heart renting miseries as well.
Curiosity had man turn even more curious at imagining for centuries about unidentified extra-terrestrials peering down from the firmament on to earthly pavements, obsessed to make contacts with those curious shadows moving in all directions in search of the aliens only to keep the buzzer going for centuries that they exist, whereas those curious beings called extra-terrestrials were more than convinced that they did not exist.
Curiosity has been man’s forte in life. Curiosity made his mind traverse the spiritual realm of his ever green mind.
Curiosity gave man a hope to cherish, a future to anticipate and an end to meditate upon. Ever since he was made an instrument capable of enhancing the glory of his Creator, his curiosity even widened in dimension, thereby man’s curiosity glittered and blossomed to enhance his spirits further on; it fortified his heart, rectified his mind and animated his soul.
But curiously though, man misconstrued this concept by converting its utility to benefit his measly self and beastly appetite.
Curiosity made him forget the parameters of his finite brain. What followed was perversity towards fellow beings which incidentally set man at loggerheads with not merely his Creator but a major part of the co-inhabitants of the universe as well. This was how man’s curiosity brought about a menacing divide in the overall life of people and life related aspects. Nevertheless, the former namely –
Curiosity always stood as the key factor responsible for promoting man to a position of dominance over the whole of creation.
Just curious friends, but mind you - curiosity never kills! Rather it reveals a large bit of input that one might never even have dreamt of, like knowing for instance:
Does the Military or a Tribunal or a Court have a Department specifically set apart for meting out vengeance against unarmed personnel?
Can or will a soldier in the battlefield dare fire at an unarmed opponent merely to rid of his vengeance?
If he did that, then will the nation reward that soldier for killing an opponent?
Which among the two should a normal person or a citizen with attitude cater to – an obligation or a right?
Here an obligation symbolizes a duty towards society and others including the world as well whereas right embodies a personal or collective gain or the hankering of it.
We need to bear in mind that an obligation demands a collective responsibility towards others or their well-being whereas a right may infringe on another’s obligation, a death penalty being a reversal of the later.
For a repeat - which among the two should a normal person or a citizen with attitude cater to – an obligation or a right?
Has man a God-given right to kill another human being, be it on a plea of law or otherwise? Can a nation or a Military Tribunal even pretend to possess an authority above that of the Creator and Almighty to the extent of passing a death penalty on another human being If yes, then what is the need for law to exist as a curb to man’s ill doings, since ‘kill’ is the last word to end the menace called ‘a finite human being’? And to continue with this plea, is it not proper then to do away with the term ‘reform’ or even demolish the jail as such, since a kill does not require one to serve any specific term in jail?
And for a final say, had God Almighty ordained a sudden and abrupt curse of death to any person awarding death penalty to any other human being of Almighty’s creation, who having himself committed as many and more crimes, immoralities, sins and injustices during his own lifetime to the extent of having a circle of such accomplices, sufferers, families and victims around him, then would he have dared award a death penalty of the like that we are today dwelling upon?
This is all just an
aside before we get on with the Blog!
Friends, Citizens and Nationals of Pakistan, Hate and vengeance are ammunitions used by criminals and vagabonds of a barbaric era. But Pakistan is an ideal nation with goals to achieve and strides to cover past advancing countries. Even this miniature universe is too large a masterpiece to dump such unholy and profane rubbish to defile a splendid world of intelligent human beings. And the nation too has many generations ahead that would need to be motivated from today itself and therefore need to leave trifles behind. One ought to have therefore, no time to sit around a campfire to make bonfire of the life related woes and tribulations. There may be people and neighbors who may be hard to pacify, or may be very prompt at losing their temper, light-headed not to even think in terms of the millions who have to be reared up but these ought not be excuse for us to preoccupy our minds to find more enemies around. There is a point where we all need to pause for contemplation, a situation where we need to calm down or may be an issue which would need to be resolved in an amicable manner. But if a particular issue gets all the more complex as we attempt to annihilate it, then we may need to go into a huddle or go for an introspection. Are we by any chance at fault at all?
Even without going into specifics there is sufficient reason to assume that during the decades gone by many youngsters who today would have made able leaders and administrators in government or private institutions as the case may be for guiding upcoming generation and to give the nation a direction might have got misguided for various reasons. However, it is now time that we put aside bygones to fade away into oblivion and set fresh targets for the new generation to achieve tangible mileage and greater sophistication. Ask them boys to discard the old man and reach out to mainstream process or start afresh with greater a vigor because Pakistan being a miniature world of moderate beings, ought not look about to take on larger enemies of the criminal and vagabond cadres.
Citizens of Pakistan
are offshoots of this Dravidian Land and we all need to nurse similar ideals
and find ways and means of seeing eye to eye with our common goals for which it
is high time that we decided to put the right foot forward and strive to attain
larger goals in the shortest period. Can we do that? Then tomorrow the very
criminals and vagabonds would look up with dismay as to how Pakistan achieved
that which they never managed to do.
That day may be the proudest day for Pakistan. Can we all make it? Yes sure, then call back the boys and stray
cadres in to the mainstream national agenda of striving to make Pakistan the
strongest ever in all the world.
Long live Pakistan –
Come alive ye teeming millions
This Writer hails Islam as being the closest entity among the whole of creation to the one and only truth namely Christianity. The only yearning by this Writer is that the rest of the Muslim world too should emulate Pakistan and its many million population both in letter and in spirit viz. mind, heart and soul combine. And this exhortation to the world and its inhabitants is being flashed for very valid reasons as well.
This script is being displayed on the open internet so that everyone around the world – including the United Nations, all continents, countries, nations, kingdoms and people all might come by its contents. And that all should partake of the attitude set forth by Pakistan by adhering to a spirit of democratic predilection towards one and all. For where there is attitude, where there is character and where positivity – there would surely exist truth. The one and only truth! The sublime truth that we are the children of the Greatest and one only Supreme Being in whose sight we are nothing but dust. And Pakistan in this one aspect has excelled in a very big way.
Friends all and generations galore – Never has ever an element of negativity turned a positive feature, a positive concept, a positive approach and say a positive event, episode or an occurrence as well, as it did in this particular context. Generations after generations our forefathers showed us the way and we in turn followed the path to have hitherto added milestones to history. Humanity is said to have existed on this planet since four billion years, if researchers and scientists are to be believed. But on no occasion has ever a negativity turned positive in the manner and mode it did except on 25th December 2017 – that too in Pakistan at the very hands of its teeming millions!
Rise Pakistan – ascend to zenith ye millions - ‘t will make one and all proud to see Pakistan on an ever ascending mode.
Is it possible for
anyone to surmise the scale of elevation to which Pakistan has hovered its
spirit of human fellowship? So at long
last, this Writer got the right boost to be fully convinced that Pakistan has
within it that wholesome attitude which India’s billion do not. And let the
world know that this Writer who is showering praises on Pakistan is himself an
Indian of Dravidian descent. As such, long live India too!
Never has ever an element of negativity turned a positive concept till the time an “Angel of Peace and Reconciliation” showed himself up (or is it herself) to enact a Christmas gift to its own enemy (enemy did one say?) No, rather the adversaries to be very precise whose trust is hard to come by. But what needs to be cherished for now by one and all and by the world as well is that even a bygone year 2017 had one sublime day by nomenclature, a “25th December” when Pakistan took this Writer by surprise. However, the credit for it all ought to go to that one sublime soul – the “Angel of Peace & Reconciliation” – who enabled the day 25th December 2017 in the face of all the tumultuous cry against it.
For over a year Pakistan had been denying a request made by India to allow Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav, presently under custody of Pakistan, to meet his wife and his mother combine. Pakistan had been categorical in its stipulation that only his mother would be allowed to meet Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav.
Then suddenly a month or so away from 25th December 2017 Pakistan suddenly and officially announced a soul cleansing grace of mind, heart and soul gesture in the form and shape of a gift – as a mark of fondness for the media and public - whereby Pakistan decided that Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav will be allowed a meeting with his wife and his mother on Christmas Day. How had this change of heart come about? In other words, what induced this sudden reversal of a prolonged refusal?
This Writer does not have an answer to that poser because he does not know as to which “Angel of Peace & Reconciliation” had been inspired by God Almighty to allow a Christmas Gift of this magnitude and as to how he – the angelic being - managed to bring the whole of Pakistan to his one only sublime view. However, this Writer feels convinced that such an angelic being exists in Pakistan who is capable and who has the element within to make the impossible a possibility. This Writer thanks that angelic being for such a miraculous gesture. A Golden Thanks to that “Angel of Peace & Reconciliation”. May he be blessed in heavenly billions for eternity unto infinity!
So, long live Pakistan and long live its millions. May they all prosper unto a spirit of secured peace and heartening reconciliation!
This Writer – a Roman Catholic of the Dravidian Race from New Delhi being seized of the present imbroglio involving an upright citizen of India namely Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav (a retired Naval Officer), who is presently under custody in Pakistan awaiting a final decision, is back with certain intricacies which Pakistan inadvertently failed to take note of. Hence, here is a bid afresh with a sophisticated and flawless a picture as to where matters are getting unnecessarily messed up making the very fact a fiction, an assumed justice itself turning out to be an injustice of the rarest mold and even calculations going awry to the extent of gifting away the very advantage to the adversary. Are we there?
As a person of utmost conviction and positive nature, it behooves of one to provide a short brief on the bonafide values as cherished by the Dravidian Race, especially viewing the fact that this appeal for the release of an Indian Citizen by name Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav has originated from a descendant of the Dravidian Race. It is important to record here that for people of Dravidian Race besides securing the dignity of a common man as also promoting his life and enhancing his values as well, they the Dravidians are also concerned about the security and welfare of every individual, be he of any color, cast, creed or descent. Moreover, having been associated for long with diverse people in India, Pakistan, too is fully aware of the congenial atmosphere maintained by the Dravidians with different communities, irrespective of their philosophical, religious or cultural values that may be attached to any person, place or thing.
Dravidians are therefore, a pride unto themselves because they carry the innate blood of their ancestors who nourished this land for billions of years tilling the soil and tending cattle for a decent living. Their attitude and decency gave an impetus to their own trait, character and life of virtuousness. In course of time and by means of their humble ways they attained the distinction of having imbibed characteristics such as absolute lowliness, extreme honesty and utmost integrity. Without even their realizing it and as a matter of routine, they so lived peaceful and graceful lives for billions of man-years on this very land cultivating and amassing lively fortunes that took their generation to a position of invincibility on every front. God Almighty blessed their land with abounding grace even though they least had the inkling that the Sun, Moon and the Stars that the aboriginals worshipped at the start as God, were only part of a whole of creation, the author of which was yet to dawn on their innocent minds.
As a matter of fact,
crime and criminals had till then not made an appearance at the horizon of this
Dravidian Land. The Dravidian Race thus kept up the tempo of a calm and sedate
life, thereafter which the criminal race showed up upon which hitherto
maintained peace and tranquility of the land, the people and the environment
got devastated. Today this nation is commonly known as a partitioned India
having segregated the Islamic community to abide by their way of life away from
the criminal race which rattled their lives for centuries and battled them to
living in abject poverty and dejection. And here started the formal divide
categorizing both the descendants as two people of one offshoot. However, the tree which branched out from the
Dravidian Race still remains as one i.e. the Dravidian Land.
This Writer has no any intent at exaggerating that which is an insurmountable truth namely, the hordes of blood-thirsty criminals and beastly elements that went on thriving for centuries within the stronghold of India would never feel any remorse of conscience or even feel ashamed to admitting, acknowledging or refining their own ruthless habits and nasty ways of indulging in inhuman and macabre instances of crime against honest and law-abiding citizens since there hardly is even an iota of conscience within them.
As a consequence, it would hardly matter for these criminals whether Pakistan went ahead with prosecution of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav as may be deemed by them or otherwise decided to let him go scot free to live his innocent life as a very special case, because living in India he would never pay back in any measure against Pakistan nor will he ever contemplate to return to his former self.
But this Writer would still guarantee that he – Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav – being an ordinary citizen of an everyday life, his look out would be to rear up his own family away from the criminal cult. Therefore, be assured that he is not – never at all - an agent of the kingdom of the hardcore criminals of Indian underground menace, which cult is even today at the forefront with their animal wisdom and plundering mania. Also it would appear insignificant for these criminals whether the government here was ever made to suffer consequences of an extremist strike or even if scores of Indian army personnel got ambushed losing their lives in the process. Because for these criminals what if any bit matters is but their own skin or at best their own kith and kin.
The last three lines of above paragraph have more or less summed up what this Writer intended or set out to generate a view of in the minds of Pakistan for which was drafted the ensuing blog.
The crucial and strategic plea here therefore is for a particular caution to people in position and power (Pakistan) not to deplete the number of reasonable human beings that make up the number for the world to excel, he namely Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav being one. And it is here that this Dravidian Land may look up to for succor from people and neighbors in a world which is sinking day by day in to unfathomable depths of anarchy and consequent insecurity.
Hence, when crime did set in even as the Aryan tribes descended upon the land, the whole of a generation got transformed in to a topsy-turvy world viz. the climate, the atmosphere, the environment, the geography, the arithmetic and what not. Even the spate of viciousness thereby got multiplied to say the very least. In short the very purity of the land and innocence of people were got dismembered, massacred, butchered and demolished. It may appear futile here to dwell at length on the evil spell this land endured in the form of social evils like untouchability, sati, wife burning, dowry greed, rivalry against other communities, hate mania, hooliganism in a display of Holi colors, narrowing beliefs, abusive character, sexual greed and lust for flesh etc. besides the chaos let loose by the criminal race, the turmoil that flourished side by side and incidents of animosity that started scaling upward, causing enormous hardships to public through highhandedness, nefarious activities, atrocities, brutalities & butcheries, wars, catastrophes, natural calamities, besides murders, kidnap for ransom, hijack, criminal assault, loot, theft, burglary, extremist activities of the series undertaken by the RSS (which group of villains later on broke up into criminals of varying denominations in the category of parties, organizations, outfits, gangs and cut-throat criminals like say – the BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites & Hindu Raksha Sena etc,) as also civil strife, riots, dowry deaths, rape of innocents, plunder by people, tax evasion, snatching and pickpockets, theft of vehicles, arson, labour unrest, hoarding of essential commodities, pilferage of items, marketing day to day items & essential commodities at exorbitant rates – and in this manner this museum of crime got inflated and bulged on to accommodate even a hate factor known as “communalism”.
The atrocities listed above are only a few of the much evil that flourished under the aegis of criminals besides the illegal activities undertaken by the criminals in the form of hijack, blackmail, kidnap, public fury and devastation of national property, besides dowry deaths, wife burning, molestation of women, communal frenzy etc. These are instances of highhandedness in a society which calls itself the largest democracy in the world. All these started flourishing only after the criminal race set foot on this land. From such an infamous land today this Writer is linking his voice for a Pakistani audience.
Criminals in India are one of deadliest & venomous vipers, the perennial venom of which is handed down to their descendants no matter where they settle down or howsoever they be admonished through the strictest of strict laws and penalties.
For hundreds of years this Dravidian Land especially after the arrival and entry of criminal tribes and chieftains, kept advancing – not in Science and Technology – but rather in criminal skills progressing on methods of killing innocent and honest people and their successive generations. They developed skills which did not require tracking or spying on people to identify evil elements which they themselves were, rather they resorted to loot, plunder, settling scores with those who did not go by their views, they kept indulging in evil ways methods and even kept ambushing people and eliminating those who refused to follow their diktat. Unfortunately, they did not manage to develop skills to identify honest and righteous citizens but rather they took on anyone who opposed their ways or their culture which for them meant the law of their clans and were intent at doing away with people or groups who did not abide by their bids. People and clans kept vying with each other to outdo one another and in the process they kept grouping under various clans and castes in order to out-maneuver other groups in various grades and castes such as Pandit, Rajput etc.etc.
Those who were poor, honest and innocent people were considered as outcasts and they would make them slaves to get their lion’s share of produce.
Much of the evil that was prevalent then was direct outcome of Hinduism which not only multiplied the forces of evil but even had people warring and battling to get the better of other communities. In this manner -
Ancient India-Pakistan duo of the Dravidian era witnessed centuries of transformation. Through the years India got tamed and a barbaric India became a civilized nation. As a civilized nation India traversed through millions of turmoil. After years of struggle India in the company of Pakistan saw the dawn of a new independence. Thereafter, partition took place.
An independent India encountered hordes of tribulations but simultaneously made miles of achievements and in the process encountered depths of divisions ideologically, spiritually and geographically. Parties of different hues sprung up but that did not change India’s tricolor in to quadruplets but an indigenously manufactured shade brought about all the color of communalization.
By the time 20th century screeched to a halt, India had shed much of its absurdity some of them pronounced as dowry burning instances, child marriages etc. but inadvertently bumped in to a new cult very mildly referred to as extremism though commonly described by India’s hordes of intellectuals and eminent writers as ‘saffron terror’ or ‘copycat Taliban’ or should one even call it an ISIS outfit (Indian-ised State of Indigenous Criminals) and lost in the bargain many of the renowned personalities to acts of treachery. But the Secular Party did not lose heart, rather with the same dedication and honesty of attitude counseled to them by their forefathers, the followers and remnants of Indian National Congress carried the tricolor to its logical destiny to stretch far and wide the ethos of a democratic nation.
Under the auspices of a wide network of highly disciplined and promisingly motivated citizens of the then free India the universally acclaimed body of nationals within the Indian National Congress made giant strides creeping in to every alley, by lane and pathway which fact makes every citizen of a free and secular India “Proud” and Pakistan in the company.
Present day India is abode to a teeming population of approximately or a little over 1.3 billion people largely comprising of diverse communities, faith, custom and habit etc. which number during the course of ages has got bifurcated to identify the number as securely armed people and citizens in both honesty and righteousness (secular) whereas the remaining number has a wavering attitude of faltering individuality maimed by a trait called “hate” crowned by an attitude of inhuman and outright abusiveness – viz. abuse of body, physique, senses and righteousness.
Can a nation like India find better people on earth than the ones who carry the hand symbol for a party and enable the national tricolor flutter in the skies waving its colors of orange, white and green? The orange color depicting courage and sacrifice; white standing for truth, peace and purity, and green depicting prosperity with the Ashoka chakra reminding people of the laws of righteousness. The Dravidians are firm that today even Pakistan would be chanting such a rhythm of peace and prosperity each in a mild way but happy that we all are the offshoots of the great great Dravidian Land of yesteryears.
This Writer is a person of Dravidian descent and one who has no intent whatsoever to wrong or harm any human being of Almighty’s creation much less to distort any of the decisions or intents with which our own eminent citizens of old decided and desired to create a nation solely and wholly for the safety and security of our own Muslim brethren of Dravidian descent.
This Writer is also competent enough as a righteous citizen of extreme conviction to regret – in all honesty:
For all and every iota of malafide act committed or intended to be committed against any of your citizens both living or even the ones who have been deprived of their lives in the past. As such, and in the name of your Mighty Allah and our Almighty & Supreme God – this Writer regrets in the fullest measure and to the tallest extent for every wrong indulged in against your personal selves or your national ethos. It is also acknowledged that as a larger nation being the Dravidian Land of old no one ought to have – no one including the criminals ought to have - had the temerity to even contemplate at carrying out any act of crime against your nation, being a younger nation of the family of the Dravidian Tree.
With such a disposition of mind, heart and soul trio, this Writer hereby -
Request for pardon and – return the smile of – Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav – back to his own family that has spent many penchant years of agonizing moments pining to gaze at his countenance of innocence.
It is the earnest plea by this Writer and all secular minded citizens of this Dravidian Land (many millions of them) that Pakistan, in all honesty and sincerity, beckon our most cherished leader namely Shri Rahul Gandhi, the son of Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi and grandson of Smt. Indira Gandhi (daughter of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the Pioneer of the trio to formation of Pakistan) to accompany this citizen namely Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav back home to officially start our one to one, people to people and nation to nation relation to remain at the zenith of an evergreen blossom for ever – Amen.
Let us all keep this one gaping fact an under whisper secret for now till the time the world awakens to acquaint itself about the ‘huge fiasco’ that the occupants of Islamabad have managed to bag or score in favor of Pakistan ever since it started its formal existence or to be precise, right from the day that India was partitioned. How come?
Pakistan played many a series, lost several wickets in the bargain even got bowled over on several occasions and committed many instances of foul as well. Unfortunately for them, they did not know as to what game they were playing!
Pakistan, despite being a tiny nation that it actually is, has had to go extra miles out of its own pathway for securing each of its borders and even expended exorbitant amounts, say far more in excess than that which is spent by any of the smaller nations in the world, in order to have its borders secured and still has never come anywhere near to being secure. Despite all efforts at showcasing its dignified stand as being in the right to commit a wrong, they least managed to find even an ear to fulfill an iota of consolation. Pakistan even got mauled up not merely by its own audience but by nations and neighbors watching the show as well. Why had they been ignored by the world despite their laying bare a claim to self-determine an exclusive right? Unfortunately, they did not know as to who their real opponents were! Amusing, is it?
Well may be it is, but not all that amusing for this Writer anyway. Never for the players either (Pakistan). Much less for the audience (call them readers or viewers of news) but definitely so – amusing it is or was - for the cut-throat villains of India who play the game from behind the government, behind the army and behind the public as well.
Yes friends, we are nearly there – that India, the so called largest democracy in the world is nowhere a democracy in a literal sense. It essentially has no semblance of despotism either, much less is it an autocratic nation, and not at all in the least is it a country of dictatorship.
Rather it is a proprietary nation where the proprietors are hordes of invaders and trespassers with criminal background (comprising of self-centered parties, shoddy organizations, criminal gangs, notorious robbers, illiterate hooligans, heinous butchers, atrocious elements, villainous gangs, monstrous outfits, etc.) in the face of which the Government, the Courts, the Army, Police and Security Personnel are mere masked uniformed and salaried people whose worth is just the mirth for these criminals.
As such, here is an attempt to sum up for a short brief namely, as on date everyone is fully aware of the basics governing this criminally contaminated land harbouring armies and gangs of atrocious elements and heinous butchers known as Naxalites & Maoists etc. besides many other outfits surviving alongside their criminal accomplices that are providing tacit support-cum-protection to these elements from law ever catching up with them. These cut-throat criminals exist within the land and inside a freedom of law having legal immunity which vouches for their survival, and the outfits are namely the Bhartiya Janata Party, Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites, Hindu Raksha Sena et al.
These so called cut-throat elements proxy the game of trapping innocent and honest citizens from behind, which innocent ones fall prey for any and all lucrative offers that are put forward merely to care for their respective families. And these villains are of various denominations in the category of parties, organizations, outfits, gangs and cut-throat criminals like say – the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites & the recently come to light the Hindu Raksha Sena etc.
The two former namely the BJP and the RSS being the lead players are earmarked for monitoring the game, whereas the rest of the villains who play the game of massacring the honest and righteous citizens of this Dravidian Land (universally known as ‘India’) are holed up in various border states of the like say Orissa, Chhattisgarh, MP, AP, Jharkhand, Bihar, Gujarat, Assam, Karnataka etc. and you can never say where else!
They the criminals and butchers of the innocent people namely the Maoists and Naxalites (may here include even the RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites & Hindu Raksha Sena) are in possession of illegal arms and ammunitions on a massive scale and arsenals which are used against the honest and righteous citizens of the land.
Is Pakistan getting that right? The ammunitions used against Pakistan by the Indian Army are wholly and exclusively legal arms and ammunitions which may or may not be at the behest of the hood by name government but definitely prodded by the cut-throat head hunters under names BJP, RSS et al, whereas the illegal arms and ammunitions that are amassed by criminals within the country are used or levelled against innocent and righteous citizens for settling political or religious scores. To put it more precisely, the cut-throat criminals settle scores against opponents of Hinduism at the government level (to appear ostentatiously legal) for which they have a dummy Kovind and the same criminals settle political scores against both the opponents of Hinduism and against their political adversaries at the street level, for which the army of criminals take to streets with their respective stockpile of ammunitions and army of criminals.
Incidentally, even here Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav has no role to play and no cause or reason for him or his family either to foot the bill, be it for what the government is forced by criminals to do or even for the havoc that the underground criminals play proxy with, in the case of lives of innocent and righteous citizens or namesake political adversaries as such.
What is of significance here is the fact that in both the cases the real cut-throat head-hunters hide their faces behind the crowd of general public (the crowd) whose might neither the government nor the court can counter. It is this particular fiasco that the cut-throat criminals want the government, courts, army and security personnel to gulp down while they of their own make do with their head-hunting errands.
They the cut-throat gangs are normally assigned duty through secret moves and maneuvering by lead criminals, being the ones involved in political maneuvering. As such those cut-throat elements need not have to maintain secret agents to acquaint themselves with programs and procedures of other party cadres and political opponents such as that of the Secular Party. Furthermore, besides being in touch with the criminal cut-throats, the lead elements of criminal outfits create and execute strategies convenient to their monopoly and criminal trade. Their activities such as persecution of minorities, extortion of huge amounts from innocent citizens and people under one pretext or the other etc. remain top secret under a fictitious agenda and are known only to their mentors and monitors viz. the RSS and BJP elements.
The criminal exploits by the criminal line-up does not end there. Minorities and starving Christian communities in India for long were being fed with edible items, cereals, ghee, wheat, corn and milk powder etc. during the 1960’s donated by foreign Christians owing to poverty that ravaged the land immediately, prior to and after the British left India. Even donations made by philanthropists abroad for the welfare of these starving Christians immediately after the British left India were stopped by these criminals (then the real cut-throats of that era) since they of their own had vast amounts of plundered properties and wealth in stock for many generations ahead. These activities of blocking the edibles and donations were all carried out by these cut-throat criminals by name RSS whereas many of those poor citizens who suffered deprivation under the hands of these cut-throat criminals are now no more except this Writer surviving to provide testimony of the crimes committed by hordes of such cut-throat elements and criminals existing today as parties, organizations, outfits, gangs and cut-throat criminals like say – the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites & the recently come to light the Hindu Raksha Sena etc.
Treacherous crimes committed by these cut-throat criminals through betrayal of India and its citizens by plundering land, property, wealth and ornaments during and post-independence era have made these elements carry-out high-handed and heinous crimes to subject the minorities and poor citizens to a state of underlings.
This apart, many more such treacherous crimes committed by these cut-throat elements through persecution of our Muslim brethren being - our citizens, our blood, as also driving or forcing them to commit heinous crimes in self-defence, labelling Muslims as global gangsters, killing innocent blood, spewing venomous hatred, stifling innocent conscience and making martyrs of innocent human beings have become the order of the day by these criminal gangs, which have gone unrecorded. Whereas the venomous and abusive insult and retorts made use of by the criminals owing allegiance to Hinduism have not only marred the lives of young generation and females including people of other communities but has even brought about a curse of animosity among people to this present day.
So Pakistan might even recollect the news of an ambush by the Maoists & Naxalite gangs in Chhattisgarh (India) during 2012-13 where they gunned down scores of honest and righteous citizens of the Indian National Congress for no fault or reason at all. It was a political vendetta. The innocent party leaders and workers were then silenced by these gangsters with a view to reducing the party strength of the secular government.
They succeeded in it and today the criminal line up are upholding the reins of the existing government with the tacit support by RSS lead criminal element namely Mohan Bhagwat in collusion with other lead cut-throats determining the course the government, the army, the police and public should take. That is that for now.
The Writer here is
abstaining from repeating the above para for the sake of maintaining the course
we took first and also for avoiding monotony.
As such, if the Naxalites and Maoists under the aegis of these very cut-throat criminals gunned down the very people professing their own belief (Hinduism), the very people who survive in India as Indians having their respective families to be taken care of or the very people who stand to secure the lives of those very criminals and/or to govern the nation under a Constitution drafted by a blunt Hindu element, then what would these cut-throat criminals have to be concerned about at finding scores of righteous citizens and civilians, army cadres and innocents being gunned down by their own enemy (meaning Pakistan) while they themselves are safe in their haven of crime and monopoly?
To put it briefly, in India the government altogether is a false
step set up to safeguard the inner den of criminals who manage and manipulate
the sequences, mode and consequences. It so follows that all the messages being
conveyed by Pakistan in the name of humanity and the nation’s security are only
blown away at the instance of a Kingdom of Criminals that are aching to devour
not only the righteous citizens but the neighbouring countries as well.
And it so
follows that, on 6 February 2014 (the month that Modi roared in to Parliament),
The Economic Times reported that
a web portal of a news magazine has provided audio recordings to substantiate Swami Aseemanand's claim that his terror acts were sanctioned by Mohan
Bhagwat [3]. In a series of interviews to The Caravan Magazine, Swami Aseemanand pointed towards Mohan
Bhagwat's sanctioning of the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer Sharif blasts. However, Aseemanand denied giving any such
interviews when a controversy broke out on the publication of the interviews [4].
Is this not interesting that people and criminals themselves play havoc with the lives of innocent citizens and then when news and episodes or interviews of the facts as such is revealed by someone or the other, then the entire story is slighted as rumor or false news by the very elements sitting to monitor the criminals and cut-throat gangs? So if the cut-throat elements can weave a story of their own to imply they are above the law and the land, then how does a government, army or even the police appear competent to deal with any such situation? Amusing is it?
Pakistan needs to understand that they the cut-throat criminals acting under Mohan Bhagwat and the ilk can do any damn thing and still manage to wind their way to safety under cover of the majority criminals of the line-up listed above. That is to say that any or all messages of panic or concern that are conveyed to India by Pakistan at any time and on any topic can only go up in smoke because the government, the court and army are only an excuse to show-case a nation but the activities are sanctioned, approvals given and okaying done by the criminals holed up within the interior of the nation, away from even the least of harm befalling them.
Here too the innocent and righteous citizens of the like of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav has to pay with their lives. Will this suffice for a primary say?
Even the crowd comprising of vast number of criminals and cut-throat elements pulled in from all parts of the nation and all corners of the land to converge at Ayodhya for the felling of the Masjid was carried out by these very cut-throat criminals and after their feat was accomplished the crowd left the place for good without even a iota of suspicion that they had exceeded the law. But remember that, when no one of the criminals so responsible was apprehended, the court after many years of hearing smoked away a judgment to appease the criminals and silence the public.
Hereto, even a simple face reading of the innocent and righteous citizens of the like of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav would only convince one and all that he would never have made a party to such treachery because even today – despite the British having left the land - this nation has not been free of crime and criminals. And it never will till the time the criminal bandwagon (which group of villains consist of parties, organizations, outfits, gangs and cut-throat criminals like say – the BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites & Hindu Raksha Sena etc.) cease to exist.
For a gleeful consolation this Writer can only assure you that there are even now a large number of honest, righteous, upright and secular minded enthusiastic citizens who are equally well wishers of Pakistan in so much the same measure as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi were. However, owing to an unprecedented spurt in criminal activities combined with atrocities heaped upon innocent people and citizens, and also owing to extra publicity provided by the criminals to boost their prospects among the rude and ill-cultured elements, the voice of sanity and secularism has stood stifled to an all-time low but, if and when needed, they the secular minded citizens will definitely rise to the occasion to give Pakistan a thumps up. All the best.
Moreover, in a divided country like India which is infested with scores of over-riding criminals and body abusive hooligans having cut-throat approach and massacre of innocent citizens and whose sole look out is to grab the booty and feast on the ill-gotten wealth so plundered, one may only treasure a chaste notion of these criminals ever attaining the distinction of being people and citizens with some attitude. That is to say, getting these criminals to attain some sort of reform even through force or through counsel can only be a far cry for many centuries hence and therefore, such an approach would only amount to a vain bid by Pakistan to expect a possibility (just as they made a 25th December 2017 possible) out of an impossibility (these bunch of criminals and vagabonds having no character or face value, what to speak of human sense).
Therefore, howsoever Pakistan might maneuver to bring to notice of the general public in both the countries regarding acts of treachery, excesses or cowardliness committed by these criminals, it would only count as fodder for the media and item material for gossip mongers, whereas undertaking a vain bid of the sort above mentioned by intelligent beings like Pakistanis would only amount to squandering away lives and property of innocents and wealth of the nation in to the bargain.
Whatever be the intent of Pakistan as immediate neighbour to Indian sub-continent, there is no denying the fact that even though both the nations have made giant strides on all fronts yet the political imbroglio and the neighbourly animosity existent in both the cut-outs of the one whole mass of a gigantic earth can only be resolved if either of them relent to the point of being two separate nations of the many pieces consisting of a huge mass of land merely to facilitate life as human beings and lives as citizens.
However, as managers to the entire scenario, the Dravidians are keeping an unbreakable tag of all that is going on within and around the country. And hence the all-powerful four nation axis so strategically put together by the Dravidian Front in the company of the best citizens and minorities of the land to evict crime and criminals from the Dravidian Land as the only alternative to give this Dravidian Land a chaste environment, chaste law and chaste people stands as the only viable alternative. Hope the message is loud and clear to all for now.
A Short Reflection – Part II
Conscience and conviction do not exist in this land and this is what brought about the centuries of rift, riot & battle including wars by a people who trespassed over this Dravidian Land with an only intent to grab the loot that fell in to their hands. However, the Dravidians have had no hand in the animosity so ignited or hate generated by the evil clans and tribes of an alien world. Such venomous crimes were outcome of religious fervor by evil deities which deities had no power what to speak of good within these dummy elements to bring about any bit of reform among their evil devotees.
Indian Constitution that was drafted by a blunt Hindu element in effect let down India - Narendra Modi’s antagonistic stance in Gujarat (2001-2010) and recently in Delhi (2014-2019) became a precedent which drastically let down the ethos of the land – even the criminals of the land brought down India’s reputation worldwide and distanced the key intelligentsia of the land – state-wide refusal to put in to motion the UPA endorsed NCTC (National Counter Terrorism Centre) to monitor and single out the criminal associates of RSS namely among others the Maoists & Naxalites circulated by UPA Government was rejected outright under the aegis of the criminal line-up which was the last known attempt by these criminals to block any agenda to fine-tune criminal menace clubbed with a propaganda intended at forcing an end to the hooded fanatism by name Hinduism to end once for all.
Pakistan also needs to be aware that these criminals have very highhandedly managed to block any of the other community leaders from being elevated to the post of PM or a President. This being the case, any adverse notion hitherto nursed by Pakistan ought to be reversed that it is not India that is working against the interest of Pakistan nor is the Dravidian Land doing the reversal of all policies but the criminal line-up starting with the BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites & the Hindu Raksha Sena etc. carrying out illegal activities to upgrade the criminal cult and to uphold crime as the only way for them to exist on this Dravidian Land.
It is also important to note that all activities of thrust undertaken by Pakistan only force the honest army or the innocent civilians and righteous people to lose their lives, who all have to bear the thrust while the real enemy stand to enforce their cut-throat culture of moderating the developments for the sake of their own security. Otherwise, no effort by Pakistan to send around a message of tit-for-tat awakens the real criminals and cut-throats to change over for the better. Hence, the victims always are the elite good and honest citizens, among whose names as of today stands an innocent Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav who today has become a victim in the hands of Pakistan.
In an earlier appeal intended for the release of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav this Writer had written to admonish readers in the following lines viz.
“Quite discernibly, there is also an upbeat element of vengeful ire within the minds of Pakistani Military cadre, gleefully making its merry-go-round up the veins and out of the duct to be cozily billowing a humorous sense of retaliation as this opportunity is being seen as a prize catch for the next round of bargaining, if need be.
Done, ye men of wisdom and warriors of the Prophet, but have ye ever pondered as to what if ever the chip got pitted against a larger and greater a falsehood, the might of which may even undo the very wind of negotiation? Take heed therefore, ye fellow cousins and men of the green brigade and act now, because this Writer has his prophesy very dexterously armored to successfully cut to size even mightier particles of weightless logics”.
Friends all – the so called cut-throat criminals had bolstered their agenda of criminal menace and religious hostility for many centuries when you all were part and parcel of this Dravidian Land and you did endure much. But now that you have an independent nation of your own, why panic and allow mileage to cut-throats by stifling the innocents, among which number stands Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav as well?
A point to note here especially by the outside world is that, whenever Pakistan pitches with any issue in regard to India the pointer would invariably be either directed at the government in power (as on date the criminal government is occupying this position) with the criminal line-up listed supra upholding the government, the former namely the government being the cover-up whereas the latter being the actors – say the real actors. But when they speak of the gains made, they would be referring to the innocent lives of army personnel and righteous citizens lost or about the damage inflicted on the huge landmass by nomenclature Dravidian Land which might have largely footed the bill with the lives of innocent players, one such player even here being Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav. But when Pakistan talk about the game in hand, it would mostly refer to or the pointer would invariably be directed at the criminal line-up listed above. However, since the criminals even as part of a government have only to proxy their own selves by getting the army suffer consequences or allowing representatives from the righteous and honest citizens of the nation who act as mere pawns in the hands of criminals to take the blow, either way the criminals carry away the advantage with equal ease and may be with an incentive as well in the form of a rousing appreciation by general public.
Why therefore, is Pakistan putting wrong accents at incorrect locations and allowing pronunciation of their wrong pronouncements of anguish and concern to go haywire?
Why does Pakistan hit the wrong target making wrong calculations to finally seal the fate of innocent and righteous citizens of this Dravidian Land who all have no grouse against Pakistan at all – Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav included?
Remember friends all in Pakistan and colleagues of the present generation, the India of your claim is being wrongly conceived by you to mean an enemy of your target whereas the enemy of India is entrenched much inside the camps impenetrable to either the animals or even cannibals (being vegetarian criminals) so much so the enemy you portray for your target are in fact the best and elite citizens of the present day generation, one of which is presently being held by you to ransom namely – Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav.
very intricate poser that Pakistan might put to this Writer is being answered
by self, knowing full well that an answer to such question would also be
intricate not only to answer but to solve such puzzle as well. Had a Pakistani been under the custody of
Indians today in place of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav, would it have been
possible for this Writer to represent his case in the manner he is doing for
this Indian? In all honesty – “No”, especially viewing the situation in
Pakistan as an entirely different one since Pakistan is viewed by the entire
world as a Muslim country (not a Muslim dominated one but a Muslim Nation to be
precise) whereas India is a diversity riddled Dravidian Land (universally known
as ‘India’) where the core of its strength is derived from a ‘venomous viper
oriented majority’ under which the concept of ‘diversity’ is non-existent and
who – as already narrated above - play
the game of massacring the honest and righteous citizens of the land taking
orders from the two villainy criminals working under the hood of party and
organization (or to put it plainly as philanthropist organization) namely the
BJP and the RSS being the lead players earmarked for monitoring the game.
Citizens and fellow-travelers of this generation, this Writer is aching to bring to the fore certain ground realities that may have remained unknown to citizens in Pakistan or were overlooked in the course of their transition from one age to another. It may also be pertinent to point out here that they too at one stage of their lives would certainly have carried away the sour experience in real life when as compatriots and co-travelers on this very land in an undivided India did journey together as one whole generation but had to endure much torture and persecution as a different entity pushed to extreme by these very cut throat criminals, which developments forced the hands of a triumvirate to carve out a separate nation to safeguard your identity and for your security. This Writer is proud of the triumvirate and more so for the single-minded foresight shown by Md. Jinnah by pressing ahead with an agenda of partition of the land. You the citizens of Pakistan are indeed fortunate today not to have to reminisce those bygone events since your destiny has had you look up to being citizens of an independent nation. Hearty congratulations for the magnificent act of partition. Dravidians are proud of the event.
This Dravidian Land during the course of ages has got infested by a cluster of alien-oriented core-crust-underground-&-overland criminals that are grouped under an odd mania comprising of an animal oriented culture and a mania oriented vulgarity by name Hinduism, whose look-out has been to ransack the land, ignite riots, provoke battles and wage wars against other communities and people who though being rightful citizens of the land have been looked upon with detest only to deprive them of their rights from living a serene and peaceful life. Even the mode and manner of vulgar abuses these elements make use of to allow vent to their frustration makes one believe that the whole world and many generations of young and innocent people were scandalizingly made to suffer ignominious lives of rash living.
As a matter of fact, this feature had gone on for centuries altogether till the time the criminals got wind of a need for exporting the mania in a new mode or fashion. This they did with their celluloid entertainment with the dramatic depiction of “Mahabharat” and “Ramayan”, more or less setting a controversy (or scores of them?) on fire as to which originated first, Hinduism or Mahabharat or Ramayan or did all three advance together from the banks of the Indus valley crossing over from the Hindukush Mountains and on to the plains of the present day northern India since all of them have an equal share of Indianness to back them. And all the portrayal of a monkey scaling the skies carrying with him the medicinal plantation from the Himalayas or an image of an elephant drinking milk while gallons of milk went down the drain, all of which point to the force of might which is pervading in to their psyche with a secret called ‘hate’. A question even arose as to where exactly was Hinduism then and what was it about prior to these criminals entering India? Quite baffling, is sit? This is not to mention for now all about the myth and story of Hinduism pronouncingly given shape to in varying other versions as propounded by Hindus residing in the South. Ok, for now let us all retrieve the same Hinduism as one of the North, another of the South and the rest of the world. Or should it read criminal Hinduism – Secular Hinduism and Universal Hinduism (or myth for short?). That is settled for now.
Well that is their culture and we need not be unduly perturbed about as to how they want to depict their Hinduism and to which direction. But, having satiated their lust by looking at the waxed artful faces of ‘Sita’ and “Draupadi” they the criminals set out to fulfill their bodily appetite by making females their victims through sati, dowry burning of brides, brutalities against females and what not. In like manner they also made other honest and innocent citizens their fodder by having them persecuted or tortured under one pretext or the other under the notion of Ram overcoming Ravan.
As a matter of fact, even Ram appears to have been a failure in the sense that contrary to what Hinduism propagates for belief by its devotees, Ravan was never killed and the outcome is visible even today with nearly a billion Ravans making Ram their fodder for mockery and mirth. In order to elucidate this there are more ravans in the name of parties, outfits and gangs known the world over as BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites and Hindu Raksha Sena etc. today who are unable to live a God-fearing life amusing themselves with a hate mania which never seems to die. It would have been best if Ram never existed because it is better to relish success with evil decimated than to roar about good getting the better of evil and still find - mind you, not traces - but abundance of evil in the very concept and system called Hinduism.
These cut-throat criminals besides committing heinous crimes against innocent people are also adept at labelling innocent citizens as gangsters (Shri Dawood Ibrahim etc. for instance) or making martyrs of people (Shri Md. Afzal Guru, Shri Yaqub Memon etc. to name only a few) whose only fault was to stand by their community to raise their voice against high-handedness of these cut-throat criminals. This land has been made a battle-ground by these cut-throat elements since last many centuries which facts remained an underground secret by the knaive people and public till one day this Writer himself got wind of it all and stood up his ground to reveal facts. And more –
The core intent by these cut-throat elements exceeded farther than what one could normally accept as within limits. So, with a view to giving fillip to their attempt to make the Dravidian Land a haven of crime they started exporting an alien mania with the fabrication called “Hindustan”, which notion not only went against the tenets of secularism but even divided the one whole land that the Dravidians nurtured to this very day. No sooner this falsehood of “Hindustan” started gaining ground than the criminals with a view to usurping the land came up with their mode of spreading hate against other communities under their collective head the RSS with the support of other parties, outfits and gangs known the world over as BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites and Hindu Raksha Sena etc. each making their version of pronouncements such as allowing stray cows to roam the public places and roads etc. etc. (Dravidian Axis must act here).
Friends all – when the situation in his own country was escalating to such sad state of affairs under above criminals, it was at such a moment that this Writer had been occupied writing vociferously against Islam and Prophet Mohammed having known for ages about the torture and persecution endured by innocent Christians in other countries, but which blogs and writings have since been curtailed to remain a past forever because he – this Writer - realized that the criminals in his own country are not the Muslims but these maniacs following the mania called “Hinduism”. Here then was the turning point.
Stunning Star Point
Friends – unknown to world though ignored by history lies a notorious truth which never for centuries made even a flutter among the innocent citizens of this ravaged land by name ‘India’ because there was precious little that one could manage to devise for a plan except to abiding by a reality that “even cut-throat criminals need to survive as human beings on this dreary planet by name ‘epitome’ of civilization”. But when civilization too is turning out to be a dangerous trend among the well to do people of the 21st century, then where will the arms race end except by a natural catastrophe? And who will devise such a natural catastrophe but man himself that too authored by a government alone duly elected by the very criminals who too would need to exist as criminal beings?
So in order to bring about such a natural catastrophe, this Dravidian Land too needed or has in place an elected government in keeping with the dangerous trend that is normally followed by every civilization all across the world. Presently this land has a government that has been notoriously and treacherously brought in to form a namesake government.
Now the ensuing paragraph is repeated in two different modes for readers to divine the message in toto. However, never imagine it to be an approach with double standard motive, rather it is a unique solution to one only remedy viz.
So, unfortunately the government in this Dravidian Land though elected by criminals of the land themselves have only authority to show-case a power – repeating – have authority to show-case a power only, without having a right to tame criminals in to submission. The only option therefore, remaining with it or available in hand is to join hands with the only strategy provided in the succeeding para, which too if exercised, would not appear to be a humanitarian measure and can gravely endanger the psyche of criminals who having nowhere to turn to may vent their ire against their own selves, which is not a right option and the Dravidians would not want it to be so. No, rather they are our own brethren, howsoever they may be.
No wonder then that, unfortunately the government in this Dravidian Land though elected by criminals of the land themselves have only authority to show-case a power without a right to bring about the natural catastrophe needed to caution criminals in to behaving with decency and decorum. And hence a strategically devised Four Nation Axis whereby to evict criminals out of this Dravidian Land for which necessary enlistment of support of people and nations around is in the offing.
Among the two above options, the former is feasible and reasonable whereas the latter would require a conscience of the like of Ram eliminating thousands of lives in order to secure one life. Hence we shall for now rest on our laurels of having accompanied these criminals in one stride without ever resorting to opt for the latter, in the hope that time will bring about a turning point within the hard-core cut-throats as well.
Come friends all, as good citizens and as chaste people of the Great Allah, give your whole-hearted consent and cooperation to this one only gesture and concept namely “Universal Love & Brotherhood” and condescend to act humane through this one extraordinary gesture for the immediate release of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav on humanitarian grounds and in the name of humanity let the whole of Pakistan stand one with this Writer to end this harrowing episode and make this move as the most conspicuous gesture from the side of Islam and the Islamic people.
Needless to add that this Writer today is definitely echoing the voice of millions of Islamic fold surviving as minorities in India but would definitely want that both the people of India and Pakistan come forward with a definite resolve to set aside all differences as one whole world and exhibit to people far and wide the need to forge a united front within the concept of “Universal Love & Brotherhood” which factor alone can save humanity from withering away under frivolous and fabricated instances of animosity.
World is being apprised. Pakistan being sounded and India’s billion taken into confidence, in a move intended specifically to set a precedent for the world to fall in line for bringing about a life conducive to a reconciled renunciation of hate of fellow citizens and fellow beings by people and nations around the world but especially by the two immediate neighbours namely India and Pakistan, which countries have not merely stopped seeing reason to adopt an enhanced mind-set for last nearly seven decades in succession but have even disastrously failed to espouse themselves to a need to stand by one another.
Incidentally, the ongoing pique between these two neighbours namely India and Pakistan may be viewed as a primary if not major cause for the unending chain of irritants plaguing both the sides as also most perils afflicting people on both the sides of the border. As a matter of fact, the outcome of such lingering animosity by both the people may also account for the many human disasters, loss of lives as also the intermittent wars which broadly result in conflicting version of animosity which to a great extent stands in the way of opening up a fresh chapter for the world to adopt as well. In effect the rigid attitude so evinced by the two nations more or less openly degrade the very concept called democracy.
Precisely right from day one of India becoming independent and after Pakistan was partitioned there have been in all four major wars and one minor conflict besides many instances of armed struggle to prevent cross-border terrorism and extremist infiltrations between the two sides.
Obviously, there hardly is any need to assert the rock-bottom truth that everyone in India equivocally and wholeheartedly values the existence of Pakistan as a next door neighbor in so much the same measure as it has consistently hailed and seconded the decision arrived at under the able guidance and astute stewardship of a triumvirate namely Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Muhammed Ali Jinnah three of whom enabled the coming in to existence of the present day Pakistan.
This Writer would even add – in his utterly feeble words – that Pakistan (in so much as China as well) are the twin doors to a spectacular means for achieving a unique end – that would even have the whole world make a turn-around for unfolding a prosperous transformation to end the present century on an extremely high note. However, in order to achieve this one unique end, there is need for both or even the trio to set aside trifles that are detrimentally dragging the present century to a perditious calamity by name ‘war’.
Having been a part and parcel of the undivided India during the prior-post-&-pre-partition days of the independent India, Pakistan would surely be fully aware of the existence of a totally diverse categories of people, wherein exist the most moderate and righteous citizens to the hardcore and cold-blooded criminals for whom co-existence with the rest of the people would more or less amount to bending backwards to achieve a crude summersault.
A very salient note which requires mention here is the fact that of late the criminals have managed to buttress a large support base from among the female category of people which elements are prepared to even vouch for the crimes committed by parties and outfits to the extent of even attempting to make the honest people their target. As a matter of fact, it now becomes clear that the criminals now have accomplices at every nook and corner of the land as supporters who would vouch for their integrity and guarantee their honesty. These elements that are the off-springs of those very criminals that looted, plundered, grabbed, butchered and survived on their crime-earned wealth are there to vouch for the honesty and integrity of criminals quite unaware that these were the very criminals that clambered for the noose to tighten the necks of innocents who were driven to crime and then sentenced to death. Criminals that would never own up their own crimes but are in the forefront to hate and force elimination of our brethren, our compatriots, out blood, our own country-men and country cousins merely because they feel safe under a manipulated law in the hands of the very criminals who committed heinous crimes and indulgences but are out to annihilate the righteous and honest citizens of the land, are literally the enemy targeted by Pakistan but which elements seldom surface and if they did they would do so with fool-proof security with the connivance of law and under the shade of a crowd of criminals to protect them from being harmed.
This Writer wishes to pronounce with emphasis a truth for the information of Pakistan and all citizens there that those innocent human beings belonging to their community who were made martyrs of Islam were not dealt with injustice by India or the Dravidians, rather it was all the handiwork of these criminals whose only look out is to slain people of other faiths for which they only wanted a cause or an excuse. Pakistan is therefore being cautioned by this Writer that India which depicts the Dravidian Land as such has no grouse against Islam or Pakistan but such animosity is regularly nursed by these criminals who cannot see other communities rise or to see their welfare being attended to.
In the line of such victims are mainly Shri Dawood Ibrahim who has had to escape to Pakistan but some of his associates or people of same community have been put to death under authoritarian laws and have become martyrs for the sake of their beleaguered community of citizens. In the line of martyrs are the late Shri Md. Afzal Guru and Shri Yaqub Memon who have had to lay down their lives under one pretext or the other. While these innocent citizens have had to submit to the draconian laws, scores of cut throat criminals and gang members of the list of parties, organizations and outfits such as BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Ram Sene, Maoists, Naxalites and Hindu Raksha Sena etc. are either supported or promoted through nefarious ways and measures owing to which there is practically no law which can meet the standards needed to independently assess the criminal atrocities committed by these criminals.
Even the government (overlooking Courts, the army, the police and security personnel etc.) that is voted to power is made to submit to criminal manipulations by these die-hard elements so much so no amount of democratic upheavals or voicing of concern by ordinary public have managed to alert the people and police or the army for the inhuman methods of managing the land and the law.
Even the proceedings which take place in courts or government precincts are more than injustice to the very people they serve. Court matters are kept prolonging without the judges making even the effort needed to stand up and visit places to do justice to the wronged people. The government and authorities too are sitting on their seats and in air conditioned cabins to finger through papers and files without justifiably doing a thing or two to walk out of their offices to inspect the location personally for setting right irregularities.
The atrocities and crimes committed by the cut-throat criminals and butcher elements are bypassed at the instance of the lead criminals of the RSS and BJP so much so no law can be passed without these cut-throats making even the least move to leash the criminals and other cut-throat elements ravaging this Dravidian Land.
Even the recent blurt in some parts of UP stating that the Supreme Court too is in their hands is enough to convince any person – even Pakistan and its citizens - that there can never be any sort of justice or even a semblance of it in any sphere of government or court much less in India, which being an abbreviated nomenclature for the great great Dravidian Land but which also happens to be a home to over half the number of secular people of the entire India and as much of the un-divided era.
The Dravidians therefore, value Pakistan as the closest and the cleanest of the neighbors around and therefore, a delight for the Dravidian elite to maintain proximity rather than maintaining any closeness with the cut-throat elements of this land.
As a person of utmost conviction and positive nature, it behooves of one to reiterate his firmness for a short brief on the bonafide values as cherished by the Dravidian Race, especially viewing the fact that this appeal for the release of an Indian Citizen by name Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav has originated from a descendant of the Dravidian Race. It is important to record here that for people of Dravidian Race besides securing the dignity of a common man as also promoting his life and enhancing his values as well, they the Dravidians are also concerned about the security and welfare of every individual, be he of any color, cast, creed or descent. Moreover, having been associated for long with diverse people in India, Pakistan, too is fully aware of the congenial atmosphere maintained by the Dravidians with different communities, irrespective of their philosophical, religious or cultural values that may be attached to any person, place or thing.
Dravidians are therefore, a pride unto themselves because they carry the innate blood of their ancestors who nourished this land for billions of years tilling the soil and tending cattle for a decent living. Their attitude and decency gave an impetus to their own trait, character and life of virtuousness. In course of time and by means of their humble ways they attained the distinction of having imbibed characteristics such as absolute lowliness, extreme honesty and utmost integrity. Without even their realizing it and as a matter of routine, they so lived peaceful and graceful lives for billions of man-years on this very land cultivating and amassing lively fortunes that took their generation to a position of invincibility on every front. God Almighty blessed their land with abounding grace even though they least had the inkling that the Sun, Moon and the Stars that the aboriginals worshipped at the start as God, were only part of a whole of creation, the author of which was yet to dawn on their innocent minds.
As a matter of fact,
crime and criminals had till then not made an appearance at the horizon of this
Dravidian Land. The Dravidian Race thus kept up the tempo of a calm and sedate
life, thereafter which the criminal race showed up upon which hitherto
maintained peace and tranquility of the land, people and the environment got
devastated. Today this nation is
commonly known as a partitioned India having segregated the Islamic community
to abide by their way of life away from the criminal race which rattled their
lives for centuries and battled them to living in abject poverty and rejection.
And here started the formal divide categorizing both the descendants as two
people of one offshoot. However, the
tree which branched out from the Dravidian Race still remains as one i.e. the
Dravidian Land.
This Writer on behalf of India and its billion plus citizens take it upon himself to –
Thank the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as also each and every one of those responsible (officials, employees & workers involved as true citizens of Pakistan) for the so called media hype under name and style of a ‘Christmas Gift’ accorded by the authorities in Pakistan during December 25, 2017.
Although no substantial after effect of the so called Christmas Gift was experienced by either of the sides namely Pakistan or India save for the particular occasion being made use of by general public and media on either side to blow the issue to its logical end, still this Writer wishes to gratefully acknowledge the said move then made by Pakistan to give the issue an iota of comfort, which was in itself a large-hearted bonanza for India at a time when a mother and wife of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav were only able to trace a void all around with no approach road to kindle even a yearning within to energize the issue any further. With the said move the so called despair got displaced and a hope kindled within the hearts and minds of the kith and kin of the hapless victim namely Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav for whose release this Writer decided to make a knock again at the Pakistani mindset. In the same breath, a word too of gratitude to Pakistan may already have become long overdue. So be it.
Indeed holds the gesture in high esteem. One feels extremely elated to contentedly visualize the sereneness with which Pakistan responded in an extremely positive measure (though with a negative decorum or formality) by arranging for a meeting between Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav and his mother & wife combine, for which this Writer – takes it upon himself to thank the Pakistani authorities for the goodwill gesture, which did send home a chaste message in to the veins of those who waited with baited breath as to how the situation may emerge and to what effect.
However, the so called ‘thanks’ has yet another milestone to cover.
This Writer also thanks the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for a positive intent evinced through a mild sequence of a dramatic gift leaving even the guest fuming in awkward bewilderment. Be that what it may, but it indeed is a curious fact that every event or occurrence in life would always have one key individual – say an angelic personality - who would notably have been responsible for engineering any such move notwithstanding the many odds standing to counter a good being done or intended to be done. And this so called Christmas Gift could not have been materialized without that angelic personality seeking the right nod from right people at the right moment and at the right place.
Who would that angel have been – it may be hard to decipher from whatever has already transpired - but this Writer today wishes to position his trio namely the mind, heart and soul in the right place to thank that particular personality – being himself an “Angel of Peace & Reconciliation” - for having come forward to put the right step onward to alleviate the sufferings endured by an innocent mother and an equally innocent wife and of course a literally innocent son, whose release is being sought by this Writer. To him is being addressed this note in the hope that, that “Angel of Peace & Reconciliation” might deign to enable a positive outcome emerge to set the impasse at naught to the satisfaction and contentment of the Dravidians who are yearning to savor a relationship with Pakistan in the years to come. Thanks anyway, from the bottom of one’s heart for what did come to pass on the 25th of December, 2017.
Trotting around the scores of mosques and masjids available in Pakistan it would hardly make one come across that mystic being who emerged the savior on the then occasion, who would have been instrumental in bringing about a response of the like that was given shape to and which could aptly be said to suit this particular post and its intent. As such this Writer can only leave his golden thanks in the hands of the Almighty to be appropriately gifted to that “Angel of Peace & Reconciliation”.
Thanks further to Pakistan
for according an
intent to gift but leaving the media and audience to fume in desperation. A political vendetta by general public
reversed much more than what could be desired and in the end one only could
look out for a finale that the public wanted namely a ‘suspense’ to the issue
and it did take place up till now.
Thanks again to Pakistan for giving the public an ear to a “Mother’s prompt to a son desolate” which stated in the most human way to “Speak all that is truth”. Did this at all echo any louder a message than what could have been made to lie low for allowing decorum to prevail even upon the very distraught position of undertaking a reconciliation? Clearly one can only wait for Great Great Allah to open the door for a finale to the episode. Hence this Writer’s repeat intervention!
However, what may become a point of revelation here is the fact that when all this was going on amid the enforced formalities of a face to face meeting of the mother-son-duo with his wife in their wake, the media, the public and the world in general failed to diagnose the fun behind the pun of a “Mother’s prompt” advising her son to “Speak all that is truth”.
To put it very frankly, what was assumed by Pakistan as their being in possession of a “Price catch” was in fact a clear misnomer of giving the very game away in to the hands of the hard-core criminals, who scored an extra win without the least effort on their part. Because, on the face of the entire episode the real truth that Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav was only a victim of the entire façade of a drama enacted by the hardcore criminals sitting pretty within their dens of falsehood was never brought to prominence and will never be either. That is to say, all the predicament that Pakistan faces today is not because innocent and righteous citizens like Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav exist but that the cut-throat criminals and treacherous elements exist to drag innocent citizens for a victim as is the case of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav, who today is paying the criminals back with his life at the hands of a similar victim of the hardcore criminals of India viz. Pakistan. So much for a pun called “Truth”.
Thanks also to Pakistan for giving an occasion to vent a great deal of ire out of public vendetta that deemed the occasion to turn much of a muddle to trade a tirade against whoever they chose to. Well, it happens but let us not give an excuse to the criminals in India to fume with their ‘I told you so’.
A multi-million dollar thanks again to that Angel of Peace & Reconciliation for (i) scaling down Pak rage to an affordable and reasonable level and (ii) allowing scope to infer that there is a way out for total wipe out of the guilt, which may even allow scope for a total patch up. What then would be the terms for a total pardon of guilt? This Writer shall attempt achieving a political, humane or a half way up the mark patch up if that could be achieved. Should the patch-work then come with an assurance that ‘twill not happen again’? Be that so.
From the overall stand as evinced or as adjudged by this Writer, it has come to the knowledge of everyone including the world that even the surgical striking enemy had a heart-ache owing to sheer panic that the act did kindle a controversy among the top to bottom citizens within India many of whom had views much different than what would have been deemed as appropriate to suit the occasion. This Writer too joins chorus in applauding such a view which – readers would retrospectively recollect that – even the final message left by the famous actor Late Shri Om Puri too was nothing short of that. Well, let us leave it there for now.
In the midst of a melodrama enacted by Pakistan on 25th December 2017 certain basic issues came to light such as the attempt to narrowly maul the concept by name dignity of life, respect for human being and the freedom to interact with dear ones, even in the face of a stiff counter from the general public. In the backdrop of all the sequences of the meeting held on 25th December, 2017 Pakistan provided certain vital aspects as loose ends that keep trailing any attempt being made to secure that life related aspect, which have sorely denied the victim a life of dignity, freedom of expression and the convenience of justice perpetrating an animosity to linger on for an indefinite period of time.
One feels sore that with every passing day of our lives and with the speedy advancement of time, every one of our attempts to carve out a solution to intricate problems such as the present one, as also our efforts to dole out a largesse to innocent people of the like of Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav, what finally emerges is that our narrow minded psyche is unable to ease its grip over our self-centered opportunism. There hardly is a thought, intent or an inclination within us, what to speak of a gesture emerging out of our wanton diabolism to force us to exit out of the hell of peevishness in order to become true and honest human beings owing to which those elements who did our generation wrong, be it the Keshav Baliram Hedgewar of the RSS (India) or those hardcore elements that are carrying on with his very diktat may be got past their beleaguered culture so as to steady our minds for a modern day generation to abide by the concept called “humanitarian gesture of goodwill & largesse towards all”. Hope this is not asking too much anyway.
And to set focus right, Pakistan would definitely recollect the manner in which Criminal Keshav Baliram Hedgewar of the Dravidian Land had established a front by name Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh enlisting all citizens of the land to clinch freedom from the British. One may for purposes of a pointer here underline the term ‘all citizens’ where a call was made to solicit the support of all people irrespective of a person’s identity, community or culture. It is also vital to point out here that, that front emerged or got recognized as a national front only and simply because the participation of everyone did not get prejudiced. And indeed, India did achieve the desired freedom from British, thanks mainly to the magnanimity of the Indian National Congress which organization was totally and solely responsible for opening the eyes of the British government to abide by the refrain namely ‘vox populi, vox dei’. India became free since the British recognized the INC as a legal entity to voice a demand on behalf of people but not the freedom as assumed to have been clinched by cut-throat criminals who imagined that they achieved freedom through bloodshed which in actual fact was not the case.
However, Pakistan may also be aware as to how many inches of the freed land was lying vacant and free for possession immediately after the British had left India! The entire plot of forcing the British to leave India through crimes perpetrated by criminals was only a ploy by the cut-throat criminals to grab the land and its wealth after India became independent. India became independent not on account of the crimes committed by the criminals rather it was sheer hard work, foresight, coercion and forbearance exhibited by the Indian National Congress which enabled India to be freed by the British. However the gusto shown by the hardcore criminals was only a ploy intended at plundering and rampaging the land for their own loot and possession thereafter. Today all these criminals have vast stretches of land, Mohan Bhagwat included, and they are surviving from the proceeds of such wealth and properties at will earned through nefarious means, without any shred of goodwill to take care of the other starving citizens of the land. And how many of the then Muslim population and citizens are today in possession of these vast amount of properties for which they laid down their lives or fought the British? Very meagre amount, if any – is it? To put it very frankly, these criminals are embodiments of the very Ravan they depict as evil of evils but are themselves unable to even symbolize that for which they dream to being highly spoken of namely ‘the good overtaking evil’.
India is once again making a delayed bid at removing some of the major untoward irritants that have hitherto been cause not only for the lingering animosity between the two neighbors’ viz. India and Pakistan, but which instances are even resulting in loss of innocent lives of families, children and their respective bread earners. As a matter of fact, even today the two neighbors keep distancing one from the other unable to arrive at an amicable solution be it related to outstanding issues as also are loathe in maintaining a steady neighborly relation for ensuring a viable future for both the countries. Incidentally, every time some earnest effort is made to bring the two nations close to each other, one or the other glitch develops on account of which trifles or instances a good deal of panic develops among a select category of the righteous citizens of this century’s old land of the Dravidian Race. Obviously, there hardly is any need to assert the rock-bottom truth that everyone in India (that everyone excludes those cut-throat criminals whose locations are unidentifiable and impenetrable because they command power from beneath the canopy of inaccessibility) equivocally and wholeheartedly values the existence of Pakistan as a next door neighbor in so much the same measure as it has consistently hailed and seconded the decision arrived at under the able guidance and astute stewardship of a triumvirate namely Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Muhammed Ali Jinnah three of whom enabled the coming in to existence of the present day Pakistan.
Pakistan has always
been in the good books of the Dravidian Race and therefore, it goes without
saying that the Dravidians have no any grouse against Pakistan nor has Pakistan
any complaint against India or its secular cadres. Thereby this Writer once
again repeats his plea –
This Writer is also competent enough as a righteous citizen of extreme conviction to regret – in all honesty:
For all and every iota of malafide act committed or intended to be committed against any of your citizens both living or even the ones who have been deprived of their lives in the past. As such, and in the name of your Mighty Allah and our Almighty & Supreme God – this Writer regrets in the fullest measure and to the tallest extent for every wrong indulged in against your personal selves or your national ethos. It is also acknowledged that as a larger nation being the Dravidian Land of old no one ought to have – no one including the criminals ought to have - had the temerity to even contemplate at carrying out any act of crime against your nation, being a younger nation of the family of the Dravidian Tree.
With such a disposition of mind, heart and soul trio, this Writer hereby -
“Request for pardon and – return the smile of – Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav –back to his own family that has spent many penchant years of agonizing moments pining to gaze at his countenance of innocence”.
It is the earnest plea
by this Writer and all secular minded citizens of this Dravidian Land (many
millions of them) that Pakistan, in all honesty and sincerity, beckon our most
cherished leader namely Shri Rahul Gandhi, the son of Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi
and grandson of Smt. Indira Gandhi (daughter of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the
Pioneer of the trio to formation of Pakistan) to accompany this citizen namely
Shri Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav back home to officially
start our one to one, people to people and nation to nation relation to remain
at the zenith of an evergreen blossom for ever - Amen.
Long live Pakistan – Come alive ye teeming millions
Rise ye citizens, spur on
ye natives
Lead ye droves through
secured paths
Hand in hand ‘n eyes
on to zenith
Up the pinnacle and
unto the peak!
Come alive Pakistan -
Move on ye teeming millions
Queue ye all up to
golden days
Rise ye all up with
grit and cheer
Board ye all unto
jubilant ways
Up the track ‘n never
Move on ye Pakistan –
Race on ye teeming millions
Fix the schedule and
on to the module
Forge to front - be it
target of any length
Be it eerie spot or
marshy stretch
Together shall
endeavor unto finishing line!
Race on ye Pakistan –
Speed on ye teeming millions
Up the highway and
atop the pinnacle
Lend a hand be it steep or
a slope
Both t’ young and old
‘n firm or infirm
They all are yours for
generations till end!
Speed on ye Pakistan – Long live ye teeming millions
Up and up till victory
Hand in hand with
golden grace,
And the trumpet blow
once for peace
We’ll be there to
welcome you!
Long live Pakistan –
Come alive ye teeming millionsP
Golden grace and
grandeurs glee
Unto heavens ye
jubilations raise
Up and up unto
heavenly grace
Mighty Allah will set the
Long live Pakistan –
Come alive ye teeming millions
Down to depths the
enemies sink
Wretched days that
fend them in
Blind them deaf and
dumb them blind
Bind them knots into
failing sequences!
Long live Pakistan –
Come alive ye teeming millions
Fend off fiends and
imps of hate
Sink them own to their
hellish fate
Lash them to nadirs
and crash them to pits
Smash them ne’er to
turn back with hate!
Long live Pakistan –
Come alive ye teeming millions
Rival foes and evil
sprites will
Get you down the
ladder renown
Be you constant ne’er
ever panic
For Allah the Great
will care-see you!